Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pushed to Blog!

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! Before this moment it has never crossed my mind that I may actually enjoy blogging. Weeks ago in my boredom, Ashley told me to start a blog for Craig and I. I politely brused her off....and now weeks later here I am. As I sit here I do not even know where to start. Craig just called me. He left the house at 4 a.m. and needless to say he has not made it back yet. Trouble in the camp once again. His day has been wonderful and luckily, none of the chaos was his fault! The afternoon began with a driver hitting an electric pole, bringing it down to the ground and starting a fire. Now he is sitting on the side of the road in Azle, another driver was carrying a load and hit an overpass because his load was too tall and the drive behind him ran into him. So the pile includes an overpass, two trucks and pieces of the rig they were hauling! At this moment he is so glad he is not boss anymore. It is very sad that the people that work with him are not the brighest bulbs in the tanning bed. As they were approaching the bridge all of the drivers were on the radio yelling at them to exit, because this morning this was the very bridge they had a meeting over. They were informed that this bridge was 15'3 and they were to exit and go around it with their loads. Did they actually think the bridge was raised during the day??? Hmm. Well, besides the fact that Craig will be home at some point in the middle of the night....I am having a great week! I started student teaching at Emma Roberson this week. We have been working to get the room ready and we get 21 little darlings on monday morning bright and early! I start in Kinder with Mrs. McWilliams until October 10th and then I move to Second Grade and I am there until December 3rd. The countdown to graduation has many days until December 13th. Praying daily for a job so Craig can get out of his mess of job and start fufilling his purpose in life. Samuel is 18 months today. We went to Doctor Wright for a check up, he is very healthy and growing so fast! He now stands at 36'....which means he is 3 feet tall! Yikes! Watch out Yao! I am staring at the book Legal Issues for Texas Teachers, I am avoiding the chapter tests that I should be completing instead of typing this blog. So now I must go....Work before Pleasure! Oh by the way....Does anyone know if Ashley Wilkins is Pregnant??? :)

1 comment:

Eric and Ashley Wilkins said...

I'm gonna have to kill you. HAHAHA...

I know for a fact that Ashley Wilkins is NOT with child... haha

Glad you entered the world of blogging (even though you oh so "politely brushed me off" you big MEANIE!!! j/k.

Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!! Glad you are enjoying the student teaching!!