Friday, August 22, 2008

Oh What a Day!

Wow...God is good. It seems like everything is falling into place here in Granbury. There have been times that I have seriously doubted our choice to move here, but this week I am beginning to see the bigger picture. So for starters I passed my PPR!!! For all of you teachers you know what that is. For those of you who aren't, it is one of two state test we have to take before we venture out into the world of education on our own. I took the test on August 2nd, so it has been a very long twenty days, since I have been blessed with zero ounces of patience. Sam had open house at crosstown preschool tonight. Very excited! I have been very nervous about this change, but tonight I was reassured that we made the right choice. I am so exhausted from my week at Emma that I cannot type one more word! Off to bed!

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