Thursday, January 15, 2009

day two...or should it be day five!

so much for keeping up with my goal of blogging everyday! today was day two of subbing for second grade at emma roberson! my teacher that i student taught under had the stomach bug and so this was my first subbing assignment with GISD. i got the opportunity to go back and work with the kids i have missed so much. when i walk down the halls at emma i can't help but feel like a celebrity! maybe that is why my last two days have felt so good! when my kinder kids see me coming they lose all sense of control! i absolutely love it and mrs mcwilliams has to inform me that they were all behaving until they saw me! i am so blessed to have had the opportunity to student teach at this school and now being able to sub there is wonderful! i pray daily that god will lead me to the school he wants me at and to direct me to the grade he wants me to teach....i just pray a little harder that its emma! :) i have such a passion for teaching and these last two days have reassured me of that! well the clock is ticking and i am pushing myself to get to turbo kick at 430! ugh. why can't i be like craig. eat anything anytime with no worries or no ounce of body fat anywhere on his body! instead i will be walking into the ymca with a muffin top and thighs rubbing as i walk! yuck. :( hope everyone is having as good of a week as i am!

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