Thursday, January 15, 2009

day two...or should it be day five!

so much for keeping up with my goal of blogging everyday! today was day two of subbing for second grade at emma roberson! my teacher that i student taught under had the stomach bug and so this was my first subbing assignment with GISD. i got the opportunity to go back and work with the kids i have missed so much. when i walk down the halls at emma i can't help but feel like a celebrity! maybe that is why my last two days have felt so good! when my kinder kids see me coming they lose all sense of control! i absolutely love it and mrs mcwilliams has to inform me that they were all behaving until they saw me! i am so blessed to have had the opportunity to student teach at this school and now being able to sub there is wonderful! i pray daily that god will lead me to the school he wants me at and to direct me to the grade he wants me to teach....i just pray a little harder that its emma! :) i have such a passion for teaching and these last two days have reassured me of that! well the clock is ticking and i am pushing myself to get to turbo kick at 430! ugh. why can't i be like craig. eat anything anytime with no worries or no ounce of body fat anywhere on his body! instead i will be walking into the ymca with a muffin top and thighs rubbing as i walk! yuck. :( hope everyone is having as good of a week as i am!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

day one

well i'm back. ashley convinced me to start this whole blogging thing and after two blogs i departed from this world and now once again i return. life has quickly been passing and it seems like i finally have a moment to sit and breathe and do some things for me. so since my last blog....i finished up my student teaching on december 3. wow. super fun and i know that i am meant to be an elementary school teacher. i have such a passion for those kids and i miss each of them already. i went on to pass my generalist! and then i graduated on December 13th! woohoo a certified ec-4 teacher! i have dreamed of that day since i was a young child playing school with all the neighborhood kids. christmas was great. samuel was very aware this year. last year he just crawled around and wasn't to interested. this year santa was very good to him. here he is on christmas day in his new ride! he wasn't the best driver to begin with, but with a little practice he is getting very good!

This is by far the best toy investment we have made! we got to spend time in victoria for christmas with all of our family and friends there and then we headed back home for christmas day at our house! so now the new year begins. and once again we are bombarded with new years resolutions and talks of changes. i plan to work on a few things this year, mostly my prayer is to trust god. wholly and completely, i mean truly trust him. today was day one of my new study i am starting. it is titled balance. basically it is for all of us who fill our plates way to full trying to make very single person happy and at the same time we try to keep ourselves healthy and keep our families going! do we honestly think we can do all this and still be real to our god and our family? so in my reading today i once again realized i am a martha. if jesus were to come to my house today i would be the one cleaning and cooking and whining that no one else is helping me do anything. i would be the one to miss out on sitting at our lords feet. and why??? i don't want to miss out. i don't want to miss a thing. as i ponder this how much have i already missed out on in samuels life or in my marriage because i was to worried about the next load of laundry that needed to be done or who was going to unload the dishwasher. i pray that this study can continue to reveal to me what changes need to be made in my life. i have found a wonderful friend who is doing this study along with me. we are going to hold eachother accountable, becaues amazingly enough we both struggle with this very same issue. now isn't god good to bring her into my life! wow. i want to share a few more pictures from our christmas that i absolutely love! hope you enjoy!

well so much for a great computer! it will not upload anymore pictures! i will have to share another day!